I often hear people say that they do not know how to pick colors for their scrapbook layouts. So, let’s take a look at the classic color schemes, and how to choose colors that will go well together.
A monochromatic color scheme is made up of multiple colors within the same hue using variations of light, saturation and tint.
A monochromatic color scheme is made up of multiple colors within the same hue using variations of light, saturation and tint.
An analogous color scheme is made by choosing three colors that sit next to each other on a 12 point color wheel. By changing the light and tint additional colors can be added to the group.
A complementary color scheme is made by choosing two colors that are opposite on the color wheel. As with the analogous color scheme, additional colors can be added to the group by changing the light, tint and tone of the two main colors.
Split Complementary
Split Complementary
A split complementary color scheme is made by choosing two colors that are opposite on the color wheel, and then using the colors that are on either side of them.
A triadic color scheme is made by choosing three colors that are equally spaced around the color wheel.
Tetradic (Double Complementary)
A triadic color scheme is made by choosing three colors that are equally spaced around the color wheel.
Tetradic (Double Complementary)
A tetradic, or double complementary, color scheme is made by using two complementary pairs. This is the hardest color scheme to pull off. If all four colors are used in equal amounts, it can look unbalanced. It is best to use one color as the dominant, and the others as accents.
Wow, that was really helpful :) I always have a hard time picking colors that compliment each other well... thanks :)